Carla Mora - homepage | [email protected] | Post-doc Researcher

Assistant Researcher at the Centre for Geographical Studies and PhD in Physical Geography from the University of Lisbon. Her research interests focus on mountain climatology, remote sensing of snow and on the effects of climate change on permafrost. Her PhD focussed at the serra da Estrela (Central Portugal), where she studied local climatology. Collaborates since 2005 on research projects concerning permafrost and climate change in the Maritime Antarctic. Her work is focussing in the remote sensing of snow cover and on the influence of snow on the ground temperature regime in the South Shetlands (Antarctic Peninsula).
Gonçalo Prates | [email protected] | Adjunct Professor

Gonçalo Vieira [homepage] | [email protected] | Associate Professor, Head of Research Group

PhD in Physical Geography at the University of Lisbon and coordinator of AntECC. Research interests focus on permafrost and geomorphodynamics of polar and mountain environments. Co-Chair of SCAR Expert Group on Permafrost and Periglacial Environments, national representative and member of the Executive Committee of the European Polar Board, national representative at the International Permafrost Association and International Association on Cryospheric Sciences. Gonçalo is science advisor of the FCT Polar Office.
Marc Oliva | [email protected] | Post-doc Researcher

Mário Neves | [email protected] | Assistant Professor

PhD in Physical Geography at the University of Lisbon, collaborates with ANTECC since 2005. His research interests focus on the geomorphological dynamics of rocky coasts. Collaborates on the installation and maintenance of permafrost monitoring equipment and is working on the monitoring of coastal dynamics in the Antarctic Peninsula region.He has participated in the Antarctic campaigns of 2006-07, 2008-09 and 2009-10 where besides collaborating on ANTECC's permafrost research activities, has installed several sites for monitoring shore platform evolution by intertidal ice erosion.
Alexandre Trindade | [email protected] | PhD Student

PHD student in Physical Geography at the Institute of Geography and Land Management, working on the analysis of relict slope deposits in Serra da Estrela Mountain, Portugal. Has a MS in Physical Geography at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon focused on the thermal regime of the active layer and permafrost in the Hurd Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). He is also a researcher of the Centre of Geographical Studies. His research interests focus on geomorphodynamics of polar and mountain environments. He participated in five Antarctic campaigns between 2006 and 2012 with the Bulgarian, Brazilian and North-American Antarctic Expeditions and in one in Adventdalen and Sassendalen, Svalbard. Alexandre is the Portuguese national representative of the Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN) and a member of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS).
Alice Pena | [email protected] | PhD Student

Graduated in Physical Geography at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon and at the moment she is a PhD student in Physical Geography. She is preparing her thesis on "The thermal state of permafrost in the South Shetlands, Antarctica. Controling factors and spatial modelling". Alice has participated in two Antarctic campaigns in Livingston and Deception Island and one campaign in Svalbard. She is member of the Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN) and of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS).
Ana Salomé David | [email protected] | Manager of Science and Technology

Forest Engineer graduated at the Agrarian School of Coimbra. Masters student in GIS and Territorial Modelling applied to Planning at the University of Lisbon. Presently, she is Manager of Science and Technology at the Portuguese Polar Program.
José Miguel Cardoso | | Research grant, Ms Student

Vanessa Batista | [email protected] | Researcher, Ms Student

Vanessa has a degree in Applied and Environmental Geology by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and is Masters student in Geography (Specialization in Physical Geography, Natural Resources and Risks). She is preparing a master's dissertation on the "Characterization and spatial distribution of permafrost in Livingston and Deception Islands (South Shetlands Islands, Antarctic Peninsula)." Vanessa participated in Antarctic campaigns in 2008 and 2009.
Cristina Teixeira, Education and Outreach (Cinema)
Visiting Researchers
Jesus Ruíz | PhD Student | University of Oviedo, Spain (April - July 2012)
Bruno Mendonça | Post-Doc | Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil (October 2011 - January 2012)
Thiago Torres | PhD Student | Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil (October 2011 - January 2012)
Gabriel Goyanes | PhD Student | University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (April - July 2011)
Miguel Ramos | Associate Professor | University of Alcalá - Spain (May 2011)
Formerly at ANTECC
João Agrela | [email protected] | Research grant, Ms Student (2011-12)

Marco Jorge | [email protected] | PhD Student and Research Assistant (2010-11)

Extreme environments – the climax of the well-being lies there, hidden somewhere, he says. Science is the mean to discover the space(s) of it. He acknowledged it properly already, so that there is no way back. At this moment he is developing his PhD thesis plan, focusing on rock glaciers activity (DINSAR analysis and Ground-Truthing), controlling factors and environmental significance in some places of the Antarctic Peninsula. He is member of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and of the Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN).
Everton Poelking | PhD Student - Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil (April - October 2010)

Filipe Nogueira | [email protected] | Bs Student on stage. 2009-10

Student of Geography at the University of Lisbon. His area of interest is Physical Geography, namely climate change research. At the present he is on stage preparing a photo database, linked to a GIS platform on the geomorphology and environment of the Maritime Antarctic.
. Raquel Melo. 2006-09.
. César Capinha. 2006-07
. Marcelo Fragoso.
. Pedro Casinhas.
. João Verde